Nov 6, 2023

PBIA Minutes
October 13, 2023
7:00 p.m.
Location: Lyons National Bank
Attendees: Lori Furguson, Jeff Auser, Mike Faillace, Chip Compertore, Paul Way, Korey Post, Jon Post, Susie Mattle, Terry Palis, Alina Palis, Becky Hilbert
Absent: Chris Forster
Opening Remarks: Lori Furguson
Another great year – Thank You PBIA Board
Approval of September 8, 2023 Minutes
Motion for Approval made by Jeff Auser
Seconded by Jon Post
Minutes approved
Discussion of Negative Feedback Received in regards to the PBIA Board:
Susie Mattle received a text message listing items that indicated the PBIA was not in compliance with our Constitution and by-laws.
Jeff Auser and Susie Mattle arranged a phone conference meeting to address these issues with the Port Bay resident that sent this text message. The issues were as follows:
It was indicated that Terry & Alina Palis should no longer be on the Board as they no longer own property in Port Bay.
Answer: Terry & Alina Palis do own property on West Port Bay Road in compliance with the requirements for Board membership. Jeff gave the information on how to validate property ownership.
Board should hire an external book keeper
Answer: Susie provided the PBIA treasurer’s background and qualifications to handle the position of Treasurer. No further action to be taken.
Complaint that one of the board members never attends the meetings.
Answer: It is the Boards discretion to manage attendance. In this case, this board member does attend, but as with all members – there are personal conflicts that prevent 100% attendance. In addition, this particular Board member does successfully handle of all the assigned responsibility/action items and events.
Tax Returns – Form 990 is required to be filed each year by PBIA. Complaint stated that the last filing was 2019. (As per IRS website).
Answer: There is a lag by the IRS on-line. The IRS on-line is not up to date. We provided the information on where complainants can find the tax returns. PBIA is up to date with 990 filings. No further action needed.
Comments made stating that PBIA should not be using dues to pay board members.
Answer: This complaint was directed to paying the band for the roof top concert of which one of the band members is a board member. Since the band was paid with PBIA funds and were for the full benefit of the bay this is considered a non-issue. As an additional note, no PBIA funds went to the designated rooftop charity. There was also a complaint that we paid this band too much – the Board will take this under advisement for next year.
In addition to the above concerns/complaints:
The PBIA is required to have a Conflict of Interest Policy
Jeff volunteered to work on this policy along with term limit language and a sexual harassment policy this winter. All agreed.
Executive Session: Jeff Auser
Jeff Auser requested Lori Furguson to step out of the meeting while the board discussed a vote of support for Lori as President of the PBIA. This was considered appropriate given some external criticism of Board leadership. Lori exited the meeting and went into her vehicle in the parking lot. Board discussion followed.
Motion made by Jeff Auser for a full vote of confidence for Lori Furguson to remain as President of the PBIA.
Motion seconded by Becky Hilbert
Vote was taken and All in favor – Lori Furguson received the full vote of confidence of the Board and will remain as President of the PBIA!!!
Treasury Report: Alina Palis emailed the report to all
Overall – all accounts are doing very well
Motion to approve report made by Jeff Auser
Seconded by Chip Compertore
Treasury report approved
Membership Suggestions: Susie Mattle
Reached out to 6 new owners. Susie connected with 3 of these new owners.
A welcome basket was provided
Fran and Ann have offered to help with welcoming new owners/ memberships
Paul Way offered to get a print out of Port Bay Owners
Contract with Jeff Decker is for another 3 years
Balance of this year’s Contract is $5,200
Motion to pay Decker made by Lori Furguson
Seconded by Kory Post
Paul met with Drew.
Paul followed-up with Lindsey. Lindsey is not cooperating.
Comments: inadequate/negative responses
Paul placed a call to Drew to follow-up on the discussion they held a month ago
Drew told Paul that the culvert project would be started by Thanksgiving. Paul said only if no bids are requested.
Drew reported this conversation back to Lindsey and she said “no”
Looks like culvert project will not be started this year
DEC never received the permit application. But now they have the application but DEC responded to Drew that it is an incomplete application.
Drew provided plans to Paul but Paul did not see anything about de-watering (water levels)
Paul will call Huron before he follows-up with Drew
Merchandise: Korey Post
Pop-up Sale scheduled for Sunday, October 15, 2023 from 10:00 till Noon
Order arrived: 97 new pieces will be available plus left over items
Free Wine Glasses will be given with each purchase of merchandise.
Fireworks: Chip Compertore
Budget for 2024 Fireworks: $11,500 (increase of $500)
Motion to approved budget made by Lori Furguson
Seconded by Jeff Auser
Barge versus Land: Stay with barge for 2024
Will continue to research other barges/contractors
LaValley will be retiring in the next 2-3 years
Additional Agenda Items:
Received a Thank You card from Ridges Rescue for donations taken at the Roof Top Concert. Total donations: $1,185
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn made by Becky Hilbert
Seconded by Terry Palis
Next Meeting: April 11, 2024 7:00 pm. At Lyons National