Sep 30, 2022

PBIA Minutes
September 9, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
Location: Lyons National Bank
Attendees: Lori Furguson, Becky Hilbert, Jon Post, Korey Post, Jeff Auser, Mike Faillace, Terry Palis, Alina Palis, Sue Mattle
Absent: Chris Forster, Tiffany & Josh Smith, Chip Compertore
Opening Remarks: Myrtle
- Heard all excellent comments about the fishing derby weekend – it was awesome!!
- Myrtle addressed the email from Jesse Blakeway - the U.S. Coast Guard
- Myrtle talked to him about the buoys and he confirmed all is okay. He did say it was difficult to find us. Apparently, there is a phone number on the PBIA website with a recording. We need to either disable or change this number.
Approval of August 12, 2022 Minutes
- Motion for Approval made by Jeff Auser
- Seconded by Terry Palis
- Minutes approved
Theft of the Port Bay Sign: Mike Faillace
- Photo of stolen sign was received from Sean
- Do not have any quotes yet
Channel Sign:
- Channel Sign when leaving Port Bay
- Terry suggested making just half sign
- Mike stated that sign has to be metal
- Myrtle will talk to Doug McElroy and get information on Channel Sign
- Myrtle left a message with the company that made the entrance sign
- Action Item: get quotes for signs
Treasury Report: Alina
- Motion for Approval made by Jeff Auser
- Seconded by Jon Post
- Treasury Report approved
REDI (Resiliency Economic Development Initiative): Lori Furguson
- Myrtle shared email note from Lindsay Gerstenslager
- Town of Huron is working with District on Beaver Creek pipe replacement. Hoping for a start time this Fall.
- All comments for the 65% of the PB REDI project have been received and are being reviewed.
- Next steps: meetings for the permitting and 90% submitted are scheduled for 9/13/2022.
- Projections for winter weather are out and there will be impacts to water levels for next year. This will change the opportunities for management for 2023. USACE will have those projections out in the beginning of October.
- Contractor will be here the week of 9/12/2022 to dredge.
- Jeff Decker was not available, but LaValley was in the Bay and was available to dredge.
- Myrtle talked to several people and it was agreed to wait till after Labor Day to dredge. But bad weather has filled the Channel in again.
- Future Action Item: Invite Decker to a meeting to discuss future dredging. How do we fix this for next year.
- Suggestion made to dredge 4 times/year: April/June/July/September
- Channel is open each year from 4/1 through 10/31
- PBIA Board needs to continue to address channel dredging options for the future.
Whistlewood Trail:
- Terry talked to Frank Morlock
- Frank was invited to PBIA meeting but he declined
- Frank sounds positive about Trail but thinks there are some issues.
- Frank would like our support. PBIA did talk about surveying members for comments/concerns.
- Survey would include the statement that this Trail already exists. Survey questions will include questions on favor of support to reopen trail and a question on not in favor of reopening, and a question for those not interested in Trail opening.
- Promote as an addition to enhancing life on the Bay
- Jeff will draft information on why this trail will enhance Bay Life
- Jeff asked Mike for his take on opening trail as a business owner.
- Mike suggested PB needs an additional Bayfest event at PB
- Suggestions include:
- Turkey Trot in November
- Halloween Trot
- Columbus Day event
- Boat & Float: Sponsored by Dreschlers. Offer PBIA support. This year over 400 attendees. Invite Steve Dreschler to a meeting and ask how we can help.
- Bayfront had an excellent night after the Boat & Float: free drink tickets were handed out by the Bayfront at the event.
Website: Terry
- The website is working great
4th Fishing Derby: Terry
- Another SUCCESSFUL Family Fishing Derby held September 4th
- Increase in participants
- Got more donations in cash and gift certificates
- How do we recognize the donations??
- Terry will send out a Constant Contact displaying all of the donations/donators
- Proposal made for PBIA to purchase portable sound system for Golf, Derby, and Annual meeting and other events.
- Use $308 of profit for sound system
- Will research costs of system and discuss at 10/14/2022 meeting
Merchandise at Derby: Korey
- $3,388 credit card sales
- $1,638 cash sales
- Total of $5,026 in sales at the Fishing Derby
- Motion made to pay Merchandise invoice by Jeff Auser
- Second: Terry Palis
- Approved
Meeting adjourned:
- Motion to adjourn was made by Jeff Auser
- Seconded by Jon Post
- Approved
- Meeting adjourned
Next Meeting: October 14, 2022 at 7pm. At Lyons National Bank