Nov 2, 2022

PBIA Minutes
October 14, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
Location: Lyons National Bank
Attendees: Lori Furguson, Becky Hilbert, Jon Post, Korey Post, Chip Compertore
Absent: Chris Forster, Tiffany & Josh Smith, Sue Mattle, Mike Faillace, Alina Palis, Terry Palis, Jeff Auser
Approval of September 9, 2022 Minutes
- Motion for Approval made by Jon Post
- Seconded by Korey Post
- Minutes approved
Port Bay Sign:
- Sean posted new sign on West Port Bay Road
- Jon volunteered to lower sign to be level with the Welcome to Port Bay sign
Channel Sign:
- Channel Sign when leaving Port Bay
- John will do this sign, but it needs a backing placed on the back of the entrance sign. We need a recommendation for a welder. Ed Allen was suggested
- Myrtle will check with Ed Allen
- Also – ask members for photos for the sign
Tax Return: Myrtle
- Tax Return was presented
- Motion made to approve Tax Return made by Jon Post
- Seconded by Korey Post
- Tax Return was approved to be filed
Treasury Report: Alina
- Report needs to tie into the Bank Account statement
- Payment of $125 Insurance bill
- Motion made to approve payment made by Jon Post
- Seconded by Korey Post
- Approved
- Payment of $1,425 Dredging bill (LaValley)
- Motion made to approve payment made by Korey Post
- Seconded by Becky Hilbert
- Approved
- Motion to approve Treasure Report made by Myrtle Furguson
- Seconded by Jon Post
- Treasury Report approved
REDI (Resiliency Economic Development Initiative): Lori Furguson
- No updates on projects. Myrtle will update PBIA board when Lindsey gets back to her
- NYS Dredging Project: for South Shore on Lake Ontario what does this mean for Port Bay??
- 2 Years Remaining on the current contract with Jeff Decker
- Future Action Item: Invite Decker to a meeting to discuss future dredging. How do we fix this for next year.
- Suggestion made to dredge 4 times/year: April/June/July/September
- Maybe meet with Jeff Decker in February 2023
- Board needs to look at all options and develop a plan to improve Channel Dredging.Channel Lights: Jon
- Need to take them out
- Plan is to remove by 10/30/2022
- Chip has the contract from Young Explosives
- Chip will sign contract and return to Young Explosives by 10/18/2022 to insure the 10% discount.
- This year’s budget was $10,000
- Suggestion to increase to $11,000 for 2023
- With this extra $1,000 – request a longer finally
- Motion to approve the budget increase made by Chip Compertore
- Seconded by Jon Post
- Approved
- It was suggested at the September meeting to contact Steve Dreschler and offer PBIA support for the Boat & Float event. Proposal was made at October 14, 2022 meeting to continue to let Dreschler’s manage the Boat & Float event without PBIA involvement/support
- It has been suggested that we look at other events that PBIA could promote such as maybe a run/walk or bike ride event
Merchandise: Korey
- Request for prizes for Halloween Party at Bayfront (Sammie)
- Glasses/Tumblers
- Suggestion for next year: If you buy one new tumbler/wine glass – you will get this year’s glass/tumbler free
- Korey would like suggestions for new designs on t-shirts/tumblers/glasses for next year.
- Korey will set up a sale at Bayfront Halloween Party on October 29th
- Small order of t-shirts (36 shirts)
- Zip up sweatshirts
- ½ price on PBIA shirts and glasses
Meeting adjourned:
- Motion to adjourn was made by Chip Compertore
- Seconded by Becky Hilbert
- Approved
Next Meeting: April 14, 20223at 7pm. At Lyons National Bank