Aug 30, 2022

PBIA Minutes
August 12, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
Location: Lyons National Bank
Attendees: Lori Furguson, Becky Hilbert, Jon Post, Korey Post, Chip Compertore, Mike Faillace, Terry Palis, Alina Palis
Opening Remarks: Myrtle
- The Rooftop Concert was a huge success
- Wild Wings – birds were a big hit. Donations were received
- Merchandise was sold
- 25+ boats
- AND – Chris Forster got down on his knee and Heather said YES!!!
Approval of July 8, 2022 Minutes
- Motion for Approval made by Jon Post
- Seconded by Korey Post
- Minutes approved and posted on website
Theft of the Port Bay Sign:
- Pick Up truck was spotted at the site
- Beer cans left behind. The thief had to remove 18 screws
- Sean said he will not be replacing the sign
- It was suggested that the PBIA board replace the sign
- Terry suggested the replacement sign on West Port Bay Rd. should be lowered to the same height as the “Entering” Sign. All agreed.
- It was also suggested to put a sign when exiting the Channel
- Motion to replace sign on West Port Bay Rd. made by Mike Faillace
- Seconded by Jon Post
- Approved
- Mike will connect with Sean to find out who made the sign and what the cost was.
- Sign exiting Channel “Thank You for Visiting Port Bay”
- Jon will check on prices with Vital Signs
Treasury Report:
- Alina separated some items on the treasury report
- Finances are in good shape. On 7/24, the CD matured and it was automatically renewed.
- Motion for Approval made by Chip Compertore
- Seconded by Jon Post
- Treasury Report approved
REDI (Resiliency Economic Development Initiative): Lori Furguson
- Lindsay Gerstenslager sent Lori an email with updates. Lori will forward email to PBIA board.
- Beaver Creek/Culvert Project on West Port Bay Road – moving forward with a projected completion date in 2023.
- Weed Harvesting completed from 7/18 through 8/5/2022.
- Channel is not in good shape on left side going out to the Lake
- Lori checked with other resources for dredging. Local contractor is unable to dredge nor can the town of Wolcott.
- Lori talked to LaValley and he might be able to dredge the Channel. Lori asked for his estimate and LaValley quoted “not a lot”
- Lori will call LaValley and pin down the timing and cost (up to $2,000)
- PBIA Board needs to continue to address channel dredging options for the future.
- Jon reported that he does not know where the location is to put the buoy.
- Lori talked to Bruce Coon. He tried to find chain and block, but believes that dredging might have hit it and broke it. So, Bruce could not hook up a milk jug marker so Jon could locate it.
- ACTION Item: Jon/Bruce/Jeff to get together to try to find it and check out if the block is in shape for use. Lori will call Bruce.
Merchandise: Korey
- Sold out of zip-up sweat shirts
- Need to order more shirts
- Need ideas a how to promote the sale of wine glasses, tumblers, & t-shirts
- Suggestion was made to maybe offer “Buy1 get 1 Free”
- Suggestion was made to put a shirt in a glass and sell at the Fishing Derby
- Christmas Sale
- Money needed for zip-ups $2,500
- 2 different colors
- Suggestion made to sell Port Bay flags
- Motion made to approve the $2,500 by Lori
- Seconded by Becky Hilbert
- Approved
Whistlewood Trail:
- DEC contacted residents on West Port Bay Road and were told to remove their boats and trailers. This land is the property of DEC.
- Terry will get us an update on the Trail.
Website: Terry
- The website is working great
- Registration for fishing derby via the website is working great.
Upcoming Events:
- Family Fishing Derby: September 4th
- This will be the 4th Family Fishing Derby
- Over 100 attendees last year
- Fishing poles purchased
- Got donations of over $500
- As of 8/12/22: dozen participants have signed up
- Talk to Bayfront (Matt) to provide food – Mike will talk to Matt
- PBIA volunteers needed to sell the food
- PBIA will donate items for prizes
- Donations and registration dollars used for prizes
Meeting adjourned:
- Motion to adjourn was made by Lori Furguson
- Seconded by Mike Faillace
- Approved
- Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Next Meeting: September 9, 2022 at 7pm. At Lyons National Bank