May 17, 2024

PBIA Minutes
May 17, 2024
7:00 p.m.
Location: Lyons National Bank
Attendees: Lori Furguson, Paul Way, Terry Palis, Alina Palis, Becky Hilbert, Jeff Auser, Jon Post, Korey Post
Special Guests: Ann Schulte and Francine Miller
Absent: Chris Forster, Chip Compertore, Susie Mattle, Mike Faillace
Opening Remarks: Lori Furguson
Ready, Set, Go – it’s another start of a wonderful Summer in Port Bay
Approval of April 12, 2024 Minutes
Motion for Approval made by Paul Way
Seconded Jeff Auser
Minutes Approved
June 8, 2024 Annual Dinner
Ann Schulte and Francine Miller have taken the lead and management of the 2024 Annual Dinner
The boat parade theme will be displayed at the dinner – Olympic Theme Red/White/Blue
$30 per ticket: food will be chicken barbeque
Donations are being solicited for auction and raffle tickets
As of 5/17/24 approximately a dozen dinner tickets have been sold
Make sure we provide Ann and Fran on reservation numbers
Raffle Tickets: 25 tickets for $20.00
50/50 Tickets: 3 tickets for $10.00
PBIA Merchandise for raffle – 5 items (new items and old items)
A cake will be provided
Ann will go to the Golf Course to ask for donation
Treasury Report: Alina emailed the report to all
In good financial position.
Motion for approval of report made by Jeff Auser
Seconded by Korey Post
Treasury Report approved
250 Thank You stickers have been mailed out
Ann and Fran volunteered to support membership. Susie will connect with them.
Golf Tournament:
Scheduled for June 1, 2024
Brian Thompson has volunteered to manage this tournament
Need Volunteers to help with this event.
Can we get a list of where/when volunteers will be needed?
Strawberry Festival: June 15, 2024
Becky Hilbert will register PBIA for the Strawberry Festival
Will need volunteers to assist in managing our presence at the festival.
We will be selling PBIA merchandise and, we will have PBIA membership forms available.
Boat Parade:
Scheduled for July 4, 2024
Theme is Olympics Red/White/Blue
Fishing Derby: Terry Palis
Fishing Derby will be held on September 1, 2024
90% of the design report has been submitted
Permit has not been started yet
Beaver Creek Culvert Project: Paul Way
Bids were opened April 17. Two contractor bids were received; both of which exceeded the project budget.
A meeting was held on-site on May 2 to discuss options for additional funding or implementation options for the culvert project. Minutes of that meeting are attached.
The culvert project will be built by the Huron Highway Department. Wayne County will reimburse Huron for the work through the GLRI grant.
Work will begin after Labor Day and be completed prior to 11/1/24.
Town of Huron
The Town has expressed interest in working/supporting the PBIA for these important projects.
They shared a recent update on a new local law. The new local law was passed in April regarding mooring buoy specifications and it is attached.
Weed Harvesting
South Boat Launch is bad
Towns can contribute money to the Weed Harvesting organization
NOAA expects to make announcement this Summer
Channel Dredging:
Channel has been dredged
No complaints have been heard
First payment made
Channel Lights:
2 green lights need to go in
Proposal for a sign on opposite side of current Channel Sign
Conflict of Interest: Jeff Auser
501C required by law to have this policy in place
Jeff will have a draft by Wednesday, May 22nd
Korey will pick up merchandise at least 1 week before annual dinner
Visors, caps, sun hats, sweat shirts, long sleeve t-shirts
2 new designs will be introduced at the annual dinner
Fireworks: Chip Compertore
Permits are in except for the Coast Guard
Greg LaValley is on board to use his barge again this year
July 3rd – Ring of Fire is at 9:15 and Fireworks will start at 10:00
Flares will be ordered in early June and distributed by mid- June
12 cases of flares left over from last year
Myrtle will work with Steve Drechsler to work on music events for this season.
Tax Return
Extension was filed and return will be prepared for review at next meeting.
Messages received on website: when answering – should the responder hit “reply all”
Francine Miller has volunteered to help with Communications, Facebook, Website, etc.
Fran will draft a “Thank You” letter to all vendors for donations to the PBIA annual dinner
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn made by Becky Hilbert
Seconded by Terry Palis
Next Meeting: June 7, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at Lyons National Bank