Nov 18, 2023

Your Port Bay Improvement Association (PBIA) has teamed up with a supplier that, at no cost to the PBIA, puts our gear on-line and handles all the orders and delivery.
The way the merchandise website works:
It will not be open year-round. We will have set dates that it opens and closes. This allows our supplier to order the merchandise and fulfill the sales. So the first one will be open now until December 10th. And then we will open again the middle of January to the beginning of February. We don’t have any other set dates after that yet.
We will still do pop up sales, at the annual membership meeting/dinner, boat parade and fishing derby. At the annual dinner, we will have new designs to reveal. Those new designs will be at each pop up sale and will be added to the website after the fishing derby.
Here is the link that will take you to Port Bay Merchandise. Click Here to Order